Our vision is a community that values people of all abilities.


We promote inclusion and acceptance of individuals with Down syndrome

by providing information, advocacy, and support throughout their lives.


  1. We believe that inclusion in all aspects of society benefits everyone.
  2. We believe in advocating for the civil rights of all individuals with disabilities.
  3. We believe all people have value and can contribute to society.
  4. Families and individuals have the right to access the information and support they need to make appropriate decisions for themselves.
  5. We believe individuals have the right to make choices that are in accordance with their cultural beliefs and personal preferences.
The Down Syndrome Association of Snohomish County was formed to provide outreach, support, and social opportunities for children and adults with Down syndrome and their families and friends. The DSASC currently hosts a monthly Moms’ Coffee and Moms’ Night Out, school break activities for all ages, a Couples’ Night Out, winter and summer potluck celebrations, and more.
DSASC is committed to transparency.
If you have any questions concerning anything about DSASC, please don’t hesitate to ask.